Tourists who are searching for the best and most comfortable hotel to stay in, be sure to check out Hotel Seri Malaysia! Having a wide range of room choices, tourists are able to choose whichever room they prefer! Some of the room choices available are Standard Twin Room, Standard Queen Room, Family Room and more! The rooms in Hotel Seri Malaysia are all nicely designed and well furnished with all kinds of amenities that tourists will need during their stay here in Perak. Amenities like air conditioning, ironing facilities, cabinets, wardrobe, television, WiFi and bathrooms with free toiletries, hairdryer and slippers are all available for tourists upon staying. With an affordable price, tourists who are having their vacation here in Perak will certainly be able to stay comfortably!
Besides that, the location of Hotel Seri Malaysia is interesting as well! Being near to all kinds of tourism spots like Taiping Lake Gardens, Taiping Zoo, Perak Museum, Taiping War Cemetery, Old House Museum and Ipoh Parade, tourists will not need Local restaurants, cafes, coffee shops and food stalls can be found around the area too! So be sure to grab the chance to get some tasty and cheap local food while you are there. Tourists who will be needing the use of public transports, there will be train station, bus stations and airport available nearby Hotel Seri Malaysia. The nearest airport away from the hotel is Sultan Azlan Shah Airport.
Book and secure this stay for your trip to Perak now with us at !
Price: RM 150 per night
Accommodates: 2 people
Room: 1 Room 1 Bathroom
Location: SweetHut.Holiday Taiping Perak Hotel Jalan Sultan Mansor, Taman Tasik Taiping 34000 Taiping, Perak, Malaysia.