Arte Plus Hotel KLCC is suitable for both business and leisure travelling. Its location is very near to KLCC and other local famous places. Nevertheless, guests can enjoy the city life here. With the convenient location provided, guests are much easier to travel to famous buildings or even places that are a must for guests to have a look. Moreover, Arte Plus Hotel KLCC also provides some facilities for guests to have a wonderful stay in Kuala Lumpur. WiFi, 24 hours security and parking lots are part of the facilities in order to achieve a comfortable environment of stay. Flat screen televisions, linens, mirror, private entrance, sofa are also part of the concerns of the hotel to serve the guests best. If you wish to have a city life when travelling, this will be your ideal place to stay and enjoy in Kuala Lumpur!

Location: Jalan Bemban, Kampung Berembang, 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia

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