Sinurambi Homestay Bilik 8 is one of the unique homestay that you can search for in Kundasang, Sabah, Malaysia which is only 17km away from Ranau, 59km away from Kota Kinabalu International Airport and 9.6km to the famous Mountain Kinabalu in Malaysia. Sinurambi Homestay offers you a neat and clean accommodation in order to let guests to have a comfortable holiday stay. Good services and helpful staffs make such memorable homestay for great vacation. Furthermore, it provides rooms that can fit 5 guests at a reasonable price in 2 rooms, 1 king-sized bed, 1 queen-sized bed and one washroom. Basic housing furniture such as TV, chairs, table, spoons and plates are provided. If you’re searching for a comfort stay to have a break from Mount Kinabalu’s hiking activities, Sinurambi Homestay definitely is one of the greatest options for you!

Location: Kampung Mesilou, Kundasang, 89307 Ranau, Malaysia

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